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![]() ![]() Movie 1 | Movie 2 | Movie 3 | Movie 4 | Movie 5 | Movie 6 | Movie 7 | Movie 8 | Movie 9 | Movie 10 | Movie 11: | Movie 12 | Movie 13
![]() Movie 6: Attack of the 10,000,000,000 Power Warriors!
![]() Our story begins on New Namek, where a giant, planet-sized machine begins to devour the world. The Z warriors catch wind of the plot, and fly off to the crippled planet. By this time, all the inhabitants of Namek have been captured by advanced battle droids, and are being led off to a prison camp where they are to be executed. However, our heros arrive just in time, and save the Nameks from certain death. As the droids prepare for battle, the leader of the machine army, Metal Cooler, reveals himself. He explains that after Cooler was blasted into the sun, the space-faring Big Ghetti Star came across his remains and assimilated Cooler's brain. The only way to sustain the tremendous sphere is to sap large amounts of energy from the cores of planets and its inhabitants. Piccolo, Kuririn, and Gohan begin battle with the robots, but their armor proves to be exceedingly tough to puncture. While his friends are occupied with the droid army, Goku begins to battle Metal Cooler. It isn't long until Goku gains the upp er hand, and knocks off one of Metal Cooler's arms. Unfortunately, Cooler regenerates his limb, and informs our hero that the Big Ghetti Star instantaneously corrects weaknesses and repairs damage. Now with better tactics, Metal Cooler begins to win the fight. Yet, out of nowhere, Vegeta appears in super Saiyan form. After a fierce battle, Goku and Vegeta attack at full power and rip Metal cooler into shreds. As they lie on the ground, powered down, they look up at a nearby ridge and see thousands upon thousands of Metal Coolers and running straight towards them. The next thing they know, they are hanging in the main chamber of the Big Ghetti Star by thousands of tiny electrodes. Cooler begins to steal their energy, but finds that the Ki of a Super Saiya-jin is too much to handle. With overloading batteries, the Big Ghetti Star begins to self-destruct. Goku and Vegita, in a final showdown with the massive core of the world-eater, destroy Cooler's remains. The good guys barely manage an escape, and the Big G hetti Star explodes in a fireball. Namek is left scarred, but no blood is shed this day.
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