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![]() Movie 1 | Movie 2 | Movie 3 | Movie 4 | Movie 5 | Movie 6 | Movie 7 | Movie 8 | Movie 9 | Movie 10 | Movie 11: | Movie 12 | Movie 13
![]() Movie 3 : Dead Zone
![]() A small probe from Outer Space lands and causes a forest fire. Gohan and Kuririn manage to put out the fire and save a small purple dragon, but the forest is destroyed. Saddened, they gather the dragon balls, and Gohan wishes the Forest back to its earlier state. The next morning, the probe activates and starts scouting out the earth. It reports back to a strange group of Space Pirates, led by a mysterious leader. They decide that the planet is suitable for growing "Shinseiju (Tree of Might)," and plant the seed. The Shinseiju literally demolishes several square miles in its growth, and starts sucking the life out of everything. The tree is made to bear fruit for the gods (Think the Immortality peaches in the old Chinese Myths). Goku, Kuririn, Tenshinhan, Chaozu, and Yamcha all rush to the base of the tree (Gohan was told by his mother to stay home), where they face off against the Pirates. Gohan sneaks away from his mother to fight, and runs into a Saiya-jin, the leader of the pirates, who looks exactly li ke his dad. Taurus grabs Gohan, and recognizing that he's part Saiya-jin, creates a fake moon. Oozaru Gohan comes after Goku first, and a small fight begins between them. This fight lasts until Gohan sees Higher Dragon, in which Gohan's short attention span is diverted. Enraged, Taurus blows the Dragon away, and then attacks Gohan. Goku cuts off the Gohan's tail, and sets him aside where he's safe. Having defeated the rest of the Z warriors, Taurus' henchmen surround our hero. Goku takes them all on and kills the lot with ease. Taurus resumes the fight, and they find that their power levels are nearly equal. Taurus grabs some of the fruit from the Tree, and takes a healthy bite. He then trashes Goku, leaving him for dead. Goku attempts to make a Genki-dama, and the other heroes band together against Taurus to stall for time. The villain defeats them all with ease, and concentrates back on Goku just in time to see him lob the ball of energy. Taurus deflects the Genki-dama, and is totally unaffected. The eart h had been drained so much that it was impossible to gather any real energy. Goku begins draining energy from the Tree of might itself, until he builds one last Genki-dama. He then confronts Taurus for the last time, and hits him with the attack. Both Taurus and the tree are destroyed, and all of the energy taken by the tree is restored to the earth.
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