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![]() ![]() Movie 1 | Movie 2 | Movie 3 | Movie 4 | Movie 5 | Movie 6 | Movie 7 | Movie 8 | Movie 9 | Movie 10 | Movie 11: | Movie 12 | Movie 13
![]() Movie 1: The World's Strongest
![]() The story begins with Piccolo training in the wilderness, muttering about defeating Goku in the next Budoukai. He is ambushed by three mysterious warriors, members of the Makyo race. The three of them gang up on Piccolo, and in typical DBZ movie fashion, beat the crap out of him. They smash him into a mountain, and you see one lone shadowy figure, talking about how Piccolo's death means that Kami is gone as well, and soon the world will be his! The next scene switches to Gohan, studying some books, and setting a standard that would haunt him for the rest of his life. His studying is interrupted by a visit from Gyuu Mao, laden with presents (All books O_o). While delivering the packaged textbooks, Gyuu Mao falls victim to one of the three demons (he survives). The short, irritating creature demands the Dragon ball on Gohan's hat, and he and his two comerades proceed to beat up Chichi and kidnap Gohan. Goku, sensing that something is wrong, rushes back to his injured wife and father-in-law, and then begins h is mission to find whoever did this. Meanwhile our villain, Garlic Jr, succeeds where all other DB/DBZ villains had failed: he is granted immortality. Reveling in his newfound eternal life, Garlic Jr. decides not to kill Gohan outright but instead to train him. From there comes one of the funniest scenes in DBZ, involving a demon, Gohan, some alcoholic apples, and millions of dancing purple dinosaurs and multicoloured fuzz-balls. After the majority of the joke is over, Goku arrives to challenge Garlic Jr. and his henchmen. He begins a fight with the three demons; Ginger, Nikki, and Sansho by name. During the fight, Kami comes in to face Garlic Jr. himself, showing that neither he nor Piccolo had actually died. It is revealed that 300 years ago, Kami had a rival to the throne: a demon named Garlic. Kami made it, garlic didn't. So, being the well-to-do demon that he was, Garlic called up the demon hordes and was then consequently locked up for eternity. Now seeking revenge, Garlic Jr. wants the throne that h is father coveted. Garlic Jr. and Kami fight, while Goku fights the demons inside the castle. He is assisted by Kuririn and Piccolo; Kuririn gets Gohan out to safety (or at least tries to), while Piccolo and Goku make short work of the henchmen. Kami loses his fight against the now-immortal Garlic Jr., and the Namek/Saiya-jin team pick up the battle. At this point, one of the most dramatic transformations takes place: 3-foot Garlic Jr. becomes 12-foot Garlic Jr. The fight resumes in pure late DB-style, ending with Garlic Jr. creating a portal to a "Dead Zone," and accidentally sucking himself in when Gohan gets angry and starts blasting things.
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