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![]() ![]() Episodes 1-25 | Episodes 26-50 | Episodes 54-92 | Episodes 93-150 | Episodes 151-179 | Episodes 180-216 | Episodes 217-250 | Episodes 251-291
![]() Episodes 26-53
![]() The Battle Ends:
![]() Episode 26: Vegeta tries to kill Gohan before he can see the moon that Vegeta has created. Goku and Krillin tell Gohan to look at the moon and he does. Vegeta rushes in to try to rip off Gohan's tail but it doesn't work. Gohan transforms in to an ape and starts to lay a hurtin' on Vegeta. After a while of getting beat up, Vegeta cuts off Gohan's tail. Gohan comes crashing down on Vegeta. But before Gohan's body lands on Vegeta, Vegeta signals his spacecraft. Krillin picks up Yajarobe's sword and goes after Vegeta for the kill, but Goku tells him to have mercy and let him go. Vegeta crawls in his ship, and blasts away. Then Master Roshi comes to get everyone.
Namek Saga
A New Goal... Namek
![]() Episode 27: This episodes start out when Goku, Gohan, Krillin, and Yajarobe get on Bulma's air boat. Everybody mourns over the death of their friends, and they thank Gohan for saving their lives. They talk about how Vegeta and Nappa knew about they Dragonballs and Piccilo's origin. Goku talks to King Kai (Kami Sama) telepathically. Goku brings up the fact that when Piccolo and Kami died the Dragonballs disappeared, but King Kai said that there are also Dragonballs on planet Namek, which is Piccolo's home planet. He then tells them where Namek is. The problem is the have no way to get there. Krillin then gives the remote to Nappa'a spaceship to Bulma. Then every one then goes to the hospital where Goku and company are healing. Bulma then pressed a few buttons and proceeds to blow up the space ship. Popo then takes Bulma to the spaceship that brought Kami to Earth years ago. They open it up by saying "Piccolo", and after using some Namek that he picked up from Kami to launch in to outer space.
Journey to Namek:
![]() Episode 28: Bulma and Popo arrive at Jupiter. Back on Earth everyone talks about going to Namek. Bulma asks Krillin to go to Namek with her. Gohan then volunteers to go to Namek with them. Everyone gets ready and they went into space. Gohan and Krillin train telepathically for a while. The trio is pulled into a larger ship and find themselves surrounded by guys pointing guns at them.
Friends or Foes:
![]() Episode 29: Gohan and Krillin beg for mercy until the strange men begin to fire at them. Then there is a meteor shower and the big ship gets damaged and some of the people are about to get crushed by a big panel and Gohan and Krillin save them. Bulma then steers the ship out of the meteor shower. The people get a clue and realize that they mean no harm. The strangers tell them about there old home planet that was destroyed by an evil character called Freeza. They leave the ship happily. Vegeta lands on a planet to get help from his 'people'. The trio lands on Namek, and after a long and nasty fall they meet two Nameks, Saskro and Grati. They go and find two Dragonballs.
Hunt for DragonBalls:
![]() Episode 30: The group finds 3 more Dragonballs after going through various obsticals throughout the planet. On some planet far off Vegeta is rejuvenated. On Earth, Goku is training after escaping from the hospital.
Who's Who?:
![]() Episode 31: The group is an ice cavern retrieving one of the last two dragonballs. On Earth, Goku gets hurt training. Vegeta is talking to his docter about how he got defeated on Earth. The group finds out that their two friends aren't actually Nameks. And they weren't actually on Namek, and that the Dragonballs weren't real. The two were stranded on this strange planet a while back and that they used them to steal their ship. On Earth Chi Chi and Master Roshi find Goku and take him back to the hospital. Vegeta learns from his friends that Freeza is on Namek and Vegeta vows to get the Dragonballs before him..
Touchdown on Namek:
![]() Episode 32: Gohan and Krillin are grabbed by giant squids while Bulma learns about how the two aliens knew about their mission. Gohan and Krillin kill the squids and go to protect Bulma and the ship. They take the ship and leave aliens behind. On Earth, Goku tries to escape again but is caught. The trio finally reach the real Namek. Krillin and Bulma celebrate but Gohan senses a strong force. Then Vegeta's pod comes crashing down on another part of the planet and then another one follows. Bulma then calls Goku on Earth and asks for help. Freeza who is already on Namek finds a Dragonball, it is huge.
Face Off On Namek:
Episode 33: One of Frieza's assistants senses the power of Gohan and Krillin, and sends a reconaissance party to investigate. The scouts break into the space ship, but Gohan and Krillin beat the scouts easily. Meanwhile, Vegeta is challenged by his long time rival, Cui. However, Cui is no match for Vegeta, who has increased his power level.
Episode 34
The Ruthless Frieza
When Frieza and his troops pass by, Gohan and Krillin sense the great power from Frieza! To make matters worse, Frieza has already collected four of the seven Dragon Balls! On Earth, Goku instantly recovers thanks to a Senzu bean, but when he learns Gohan may be in trouble, he hops on a space ship to rush to Namek!
Episode 35
The Nameks Versus Frieza
As Goku continues his long journey to Namek, Gohan and Krillin watch as the Nameks struggle to defend their planet from Frieza's henchmen. Frieza is continuing his search for the fifth Dragon Ball, and will stop at nothing to get it.
Episode 36
Escape From Dodoria
Frieza's henchmen threaten a Namek child during their search for the Dragon Balls, but Gohan and Krillin become enraged and rescue the child. They soon find themselves pursued by Frieza's henchman Dodoria, but they manage to give him the slip.
Episode 37
Secrets Revealed
Vegeta intercepts Dodoria who hopes that Vegeta will spare his life if he reveals that Frieza destroyed the Saiyan home planet! Vegeta decides to destroy Dodoria anyway, and then begins to search for Gohan and Krillin. When he cannot locate them, Vegeta decides to search for the Dragon Balls instead. Meanwhile, Gohan and Krillin locate Bulma who tells them that Goku will reach Namek within the week!
Episode 38
A Collision Course
Goku struggles to fix his ship during his trip to Namek, and barely avoids getting barbecued! Vegeta beats Frieza to the Namek village containing the fifth Dragon Ball and he takes it for himself.
Episode 39
Stay Away From Frieza
Piccolo and the others reach King Kai's and begin their training. On Namek, Frieza's henchmen continue their search for the Dragon Balls while Gohan and friends learn about the eldest Namek. Krillin soon sets out to find the last Dragon Ball, but Vegeta decides to amuse himself at the expense of Zarbon.
Episode 40
Zarbon Transformed
Vegeta surprises Zarbon with his increased power, but Zarbon returns the surprise by transforming into an incredibly powerful monster. Zarbon then attacks Vegeta and appears to destroy him.
Episode 41
The Eldest Namek
Dende takes Krillin to the eldest Namek where the ancient Namek leader uses his special power to increase Krillin's potential. Now, it will be up to Krillin to prevent the 7th Dragon Ball from falling into the hands of the evil Frieza!
Episode 42
Get Vegeta!
After defeating Vegeta, Zarbon returns to Frieza's space ship. There, Frieza becomes enraged that Zarbon came back without Vegeta who knows where one of the Dragon Balls is hidden. Zarbon is sent out to retrieve Vegeta and put him in a recovery room.
Episode 43
Vegeta Revived
Once Vegeta recovers from Zarbon's pounding, he fools Frieza and Zarbon and steals their five Dragon Balls, Vegeta senses Krillin's power and begins to follow him, but he is being followed by Zarbon!
Episode 44
A Heavy Burden
As Goku continues his journey to Namek, he continues his heavy gravity training. Unfortunately, his space ship gets hit by a magnetic storm and the gravity machine goes out of control. What can Goku do when he gets crushed by the most extreme gravity he has ever experienced?
Episode 45
Immortality Denied
Zarbon challenges the rejuvenated Vegeta, but is easily crushed by Vegeta's increased power! Next Vegeta threatens Krillin and Bulma until he gets the 7th Dragon Ball that the eldest Namek gave to Krillin. Krillin hopes Gohan finds the other Dragon Ball, so that Vegeta cannot make a wish!
Episode 46
Big Trouble for Bulma
When Gohan returns with the last Dragon Ball, Krillin takes him to see the eldest Namek. Meanwhile, the Dragon Ball rolls into the lake, forcing Bulma to use a capsule submarine to go get it. However, this will be no simple retrieval!
Episode 47
Scramble for the Dragonballs
Krillin and Gohan are traveling to the Eldest Namek, but they fail to notice that Vegeta has begun to follow them! Meanwhile, the Ginyu Force is approaching Namek on a mission from Frieza...
Episode 48
Arrival of the Ginyu Force
Krillin and Gohan reach the Eldest Namek's hideout just as Vegeta catches up with them. The Eldest Namek senses the arrival of the Ginyu Force, so Krillin and Gohan decide to make a truce with Vegeta in order to protect the Dragon Balls. Meanwhile, Goku finally conquers the 100 Times Large Gravity setting and is ready for battle.
Episode 49
Elite Fighters of the Universe... The Ginyu Force
Frieza's Ginyu Force arrives on Namek! Krillin, Gohan and Vegeta reach Vegeta's hiding place for the rest of the Dragon Balls, when suddenly, the Ginyu Force appears in front of them! The Ginyu Force decides to have some fun - by challenging our heroes!
Episode 50
Time Tricks and Body Binds
Guldo is the first to challenge Gohan and Krillin. Guldo uses his powers to avoid attacks, but the two earthling fighters move much faster than Guldo expects. Next, Guldo uses his "body binds" technique to make them immobile - can Gohan and Krillin escape from Guldo's trick?
Episode 51
No Refuge From Recoome
Vegeta and Recoome square off next, but Recoome demonstrates power that Vegeta cannot match! Gohan and Krillin save Vegeta, which enrages Recoome, who then crushes Krillin. Gohan must now challenge Recoome by himself!
Episode 52
Enter Goku
During the great battle, Frieza manages to obtain all seven of the Dragon Balls! But he doesn't know the magic words to make his wish! Meanwhile, Gohan continues his hopeless fight against the much more powerful Recoome. Suddenly Goku arrives!
Episode 53
Goku... Super Saiyan? - Goku instantly defeats Recoome with his new power! The other two fighters, Burter and Jeice, start attacking Goku, but he doesn't even seem concerned. Vegeta senses something has changed in Goku - "Did he become a legendary Super Saiyan!?"
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