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![]() ![]() Episodes 1-25 | Episodes 26-50 | Episodes 54-92 | Episodes 93-150 | Episodes 151-179 | Episodes 180-216 | Episodes 217-250 | Episodes 251-291
![]() Episodes 93-150
![]() Garlic Jr. Saga
![]() Episode 93
The Heavens Tremble
Gohan's going fishing, Krillin's found a girlfriend, and it looks as though peace has once again returned to the Earth. But a terrible evil lurks beneath this tranquil surface in the shape of Garlic Junior, who has escaped from the Dead Zone with only one thing on his mind – revenge. And with Goku, the Earth's most powerful fighter, still missing, will the world be ready to withstand this dark new threat?
Episode 94
Black Fog of Terror
With the help of his henchmen, the Spice Boys, Garlic Junior has released the Black Water Mist upon an unsuspecting world. As the dreaded fog spreads, so does Garlic Junior's control over the Earth, for all who breathe it are transformed into mindless slaves with insatiable appetites for evil! Can anyone escape the reach of the Black Water Mist, or will the entire world be drafted into Garlic Jr.'s army of darkness?
Episode 95
Battle in Kami's Lookout
As Piccolo attempts to hold off the Spice Boys and the infected Z Fighters, Gohan and Krillin race toward Kame's Lookout in hopes of retrieving the one thing capable of reversing the effects of the Black Water Mist – the Sacred Water. But this won't be easy, because the Sacred Water is closely the Sacred Water is closely guarded by Garlic Jr. himself! It's two against the world as Krillin and Gohan prepare to take on Garlic Junior and his army of evil servants… And against those odds, can they possibly succeed?
Episode 96
Fight With Piccolo
Gohan and Krillin reach Kami's Lookout, but come face to face with Garlic Jr.'s new watchdog -- Piccolo! With Piccolo infected with the Black Water Mist and Kami and Mr. Popo suspended in glass bottles, Garlic Jr. relaxes and allows his Spice Boys to 'have sport' with the Earth's last defenders. Will Spice's energy blast finish off Krillin for good and what ending has Piccolo planned for Gohan?
Episode 97
Call For Restoration
Gohan continues to suffer Piccolo's brutal stranglehold. Krillin, already injured from a serious Spice Boys beating, makes an attempt to free Kami and Mr. Popo, but also falls prey to the Black Water Mist. Now Gohan must face both Krillin and Piccolo! Gohan is the only one left to save the earth, but can he do it with his two best friends against him?
Episode 98
Suicidal Course
Piccolo and Krillin spring their previous plot, reveal that they have only pretended to be infected with the Black Water Mist! Kami and Mr. Popo are released from their glass prisons and break for the Sacred Water. Enraged, Garlic Jr. transforms using the energy of the Makyo Star and warns that the Sacred Water's effectiveness will soon expire. Will Kami and Mr. Popo make it in time? Can Piccolo, Krillin and Gohan defend against Garlic Jr.'s increasingly powerful forces much longer?
Episode 99
Extreme Measures
Garlic Junior and his Spice Boys have harnessed the evil power of the Makyo Star to become stronger than ever, but Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo are ready to meet this new threat head on! In the recesses of the Lookout, however, the Former Guardians of Earth are draining Kami's life force -- and Piccolo's strength along with it! How much longer can Piccolo hold Garlic Junior at bay?
Episode 100
The World Awakens
In a last ditch effort to save his friends, Gohan launches an all out assault on Garlic Junior! But even the mighty young warrior can't slow down the immortal giant for long... Meanwhile, deep within the Lookout, Kami and Mr. Popo are still besieged by the Former Guardians! Will they be able to spread the Sacred Water in time to foil Garlic Junior's plans?
Episode 101
Brief Chance for Victory
Blinded by rage and desperate to destroy his enemies, Garlic Junior uses his power to open up the terrible Dead Zone! And with Piccolo and Krillin out of commission, Gohan is the only one left who can stop him! But will Gohan be able to do what it takes to put an end to Garlic Junior and save the Earth, even if it means sacrificing his friends?
Episode 102
Krillin's Proposal
Even though peace has once again been restored to the Earth, Krillin still faces his toughest challenge ever -- surviving a shopping trip with Maron! And it looks like she's picking out a wedding dress!! Are Krillin and Maron really planning to tie the knot?
Trunks Saga
Episode 103
Frieza's Counterattack
Gohan's cracking the books, and his new tutor is cracking the whip! But study time is almost over, for a powerful evil is racing toward the Earth! Gohan's worst fears have come to life -- Frieza has survived!
Episode 104
The Mysterious Youth
The Earth faces its darkest hour as Frieza and his father King Cold rapidly approach! And without Goku to assist them, the Z Fighters prepare to launch a desperate battle against the most powerful evil the universe has ever known!
Episode 105
Another Super Saiyan?
Frieza and King Cold have descended upon the Earth, but a mysterious lone warrior has come to thwart their diabolical plans of revenge. Does this brash young hero have what it takes to stand up to these twin titans of evil?
Episode 106
Welcome Back Goku
After handily beating Frieza and his evil father, King Cold, the mysterious stranger announces the exact time and place of Goku's arrival on Earth. But can this young Super-Saiyan predict the future?! Gohan and the others are determined to find out!
Episode 107
Mystery Revealed
After testing Goku in combat, the mysterious stranger reveals his true identity! But what does his timely arrival portend?! In a startling conversation with Goku, this powerful emissary from the future tells all!
Episode 108
Goku's Special Technique
The future has been written -- or has it? That's what Goku and the rest of the Z Fighters must decide as they learn of Trunks' ominous warning. The Androids are coming! And they just might be bringing the end of the world along with them!
Episode 109
Z Warriors Prepare
Gohan's learning some new tricks, Vegeta is pushing himself to the breaking point, and Yamcha's struggling just to keep up as everyone prepares to face the looming Android menace! But will all of these preparations be enough?
Episode 110
Goku's Ordeal
Chi-Chi wants a car! And Goku and Piccolo must take a day off from training to enroll in driving school. These two mighty warriors may be the Earth's only chance of survival, but what are the chances they'll learn how to parallel park?
Androids Saga
Episode 111
The Androids Appear
Three years have come and gone, and the day of reckoning has finally arrived! The Androids are here, just as Trunks predicted, and they're wreaking havoc on an unsuspecting city! Goku and his friends must now put their training to the test, but are they ready to face these mechanical monsters?
Episode 112
A Handy Trick
Yamcha is held at the mercy of the ruthless Android 20, and Goku and the others must race to help their friend. Believing their power to be far superior, the Androids tempt Goku’s rage by leveling half of the city! But there’s one thing the Androids didn’t count on -- Goku’s a Super Saiyan!
Episode 113
Double Trouble for Goku
The battle with the Androids begins in earnest as Goku launches an all out assault against Android 19. The Super Saiyan seems to have the fight well under control, but something is horribly wrong! Goku’s strength is mysteriously draining away! And Android 19 isn’t showing any signs of slowing down!
Episode 114
Upgrade to Super Saiyan
Attacked from within by a crippling virus, Goku is helpless against the maniacal Android 19. But just when it looks like the end for Goku, Vegeta appears on the scene! And he’s got a few big surprises in store for the Androids!
Episode 115
The Secret of Dr. Gero
In his first fight as a Super Saiyan, Vegeta takes control of the battlefield and defeats Android 19 in convincing fashion! Unwilling to share 19’s fate, Android 20 runs for cover in the mountains! Now Vegeta and the rest of the Z-Fighters must find the diabolical Android and put a stop to his evil ways. The hunt is on!
Episode 116
More Androids?!
Vegeta, Piccolo, and Gohan lead an exhaustive search through the mountains for the wily Android 20. But all is not as it seems -- the hunters are also the hunted! Android 20 lurks in the shadows, ready to strike, and it looks like Piccolo is his first target! Can the mighty Namek withstand the Android’s energy-draining attack?
Episode 117
Follow Dr. Gero
Our heroes make a startling discovery – Android 20 is none other than the evil Dr. Gero himself! But this new revelation may have come too late, for the diabolical doctor has fled to his secret laboratory, where he intends to awaken two more killer androids! Can the Z-Fighters stop him in time?
Episode 118
Nightmare Comes True
The race is on, as the Z-Fighters engage in a frantic search for Dr. Gero’s hidden laboratory! But rather than stop the androids before they're activated, Vegeta wants a challenge! And against Trunks’ sage advice, he’s bent on fighting the androids alone! Can Trunks dissuade Vegeta’s suicidal course of action?
Episode 119
Goku's Assassin
The demented Dr. Gero escapes to his mountain hideout and brings his killer androids to life. Without the help of Goku, who's bedridden with a deadly disease, all hope seems lost. It looks like Dr. Gero will finally get his revenge against Goku. But wait! His evil creations have a vendetta of their own!
Episode 120
Deadly Beauty
Vegeta faces off with Android 18 for a showdown on the highway. Even though Trunks and the others are there to help, the Saiyan prince insists on battling his opponent single-handedly! Will Vegeta’s overconfidence against this android of unlimited power be his undoing?
Episode 121
No Match For The Androids
In an earthshaking battle, the beautiful Android 18 brings Vegeta to his knees. But before she can deliver the final blow, Trunks steps in to help. Soon an all out war between good and evil begins, with the androids gaining the upper hand. Now the unhindered androids set their sights on the ultimate prize—Goku!
Episode 122
Last Ditch Effort
Struggling to recover from their fight with the androids, Vegeta, Trunks, Tien and Piccolo realize a grim truth: unless they can increase their powers quickly, they have no chance against the android trio. In a drastic move, Piccolo flies to Kami’s place high above the earth and makes a most unexpected proposal…
Episode 123
Closing In
The evil androids hit the road in hot pursuit of Goku but are delayed by some hyperactive hoodlums. Krillin and Trunks race to move Goku to a safer hiding place, while up in the clouds Kami wrestles with Piccolo’s difficult offer. Everyone is scheming of ways to stop the androids, but will any of them work?
Episode 124
Unwelcome Discovery
With the androids close behind, the Z-fighters retreat to Master Roshi's house to plan their next move. And with Goku still in poor health, their list of options is short. Bulma makes a disquieting discovery – the wreckage of a second time capsule! Where did it come from, and more importantly, who was in it?
Imperfect Cell Saga
Episode 125
Seized with Fear
Trunks and Krillin join Bulma at the crash site of the mysterious time capsule and find an eerie clue-- the shell of a large, locust-like creature! Whatever arrived in the time capsule isn't human, and it's on the loose! Can our heroes solve this mystery and halt the approaching androids at the same time?
Episode 126
The Reunion
It's doomsday in Gingertown, a quiet city near the crash site of the time capsule. A monster with the appearance of an insect has unleashed its powers, turning Gingertown into a ghostly grave! In response to this new menace, Kami finally fuses with Piccolo, and the new Super Namek flies to Gingertown for a showdown of epic proportions!
Episode 127
Borrowed Powers
The deserted streets of Gingertown become a battlefield as the powered-up Piccolo confronts this terror from the future. The monster's name is Cell, and he gains strength from sucking the life out of his victims! But that's not the only secret the creature reveals. Somehow, he also knows Goku's special attack, the Kamehameha!
Episode 128
His Name is Cell
A fleet of tanks roll into Gingertown to destroy the new threat, but Cell quiets the army's attempt with one swift blow. Now it's up to Piccolo to stop the monster, and his chances look slim. As the Namek struggles to survive, Cell gives a full introduction! He’s actually an android, the ultimate achievement of Dr. Gero!
Episode 129
Piccolo's Folly
Piccolo has been badly injured from his fight with the android Cell, but he cleverly distracts Cell long enough to regenerate his stricken arm. Now Piccolo is ready for another round, and Krillin and Trunks have arrived for backup! With the odds quickly mounting against him, Cell makes a tactical decision—Run away!
Episode 130
Laboratory Basement
Escaping the heroes, Cell strives to carry out his awful plan. By absorbing Androids 17 and 18, Cell can evolve to his perfect, unstoppable form! To save the future, Trunks and Krillin race to destroy Dr. Gero's lab, while Piccolo and Tien search for the elusive Cell. But how can they stop an android who knows their every move?
Episode 131
Our Hero Awakes
After learning that Cell came from his own bleak future, Trunks is left to ponder the effects of his journey through time. In South City, Cell plows through more civilians and accidentally runs into Krillin! Goku finally gets back on his feet, but with Cell and the other androids in full stride, can the Saiyan hero still make a difference?
Episode 132
Time Chamber
As Cell continues his deadly march, Goku jumps back into action with an ingenious plan. By training in Kami's Hyperbolic Time Chamber, he, Gohan, Trunks and Vegeta can get a year of training in just one day! But back at Master Roshi's, the android trio arrives looking for Goku! Can Piccolo hold them off until the Saiyans return?
Episode 133
The Monster is Coming
Behind the closed doors of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Vegeta and Trunks struggle to push past the level of Super Saiyan, while Gohan and Goku wait for their own chance to train. Down on earth, Piccolo challenges Android 17 to a battle and quickly gains the advantage. But don't look now, Cell is on his way!
Episode 134
He's Here
Fabulously strong after uniting with Kami, Piccolo spearheads the battle against the androids! And it looks like the Super Namek has things well under control until an unexpected guest arrives at the battlefield! It's Cell! Can anyone stop this hideous monster from carrying out his deadly purpose?!
Episode 135
Up to Piccolo
Just as Cell is about to absorb Android 17, Piccolo bravely steps in and foils Cell's plan! But with Goku and Gohan still waiting for Vegeta and Trunks to finish their training, does Piccolo really have a chance of stopping Cell on his own?! Or is he just prolonging the inevitable?!
Episode 136
Silent Warrior
Sixteen! When the silent giant tells 17 that he is "just as strong as Cell", it seems like a wild claim! But after 16 launches a commanding offensive that throws Cell against the ropes, it becomes clear that the big android has the power to back up his words!
Episode 137
Say Goodbye, 17
Fire fights fire and android fights android, as the titan 16 clashes against Cell. Miraculously, Android 16 proves himself to be the stronger fighter, but Cell is far too driven to be stopped now! With an underhanded attack, Cell sneaks up on 17 and turns the tables once again! Cell transforms!
Perfect Cell Saga
Episode 138
Tien takes matters into his own hand - and head! With an onslaught of psychic blasts, Tien drives back Cell and gives Android 16 and 18 a chance to escape. But Tien’s powerful move is rapidly draining his strength, and the brave fighter is about to collapse. Tien may have saved the androids, but can he save himself?
Episode 139
Saiyans Emerge
Trunks and Vegeta emerge from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber after a year of intense training. What new powers do these Saiyans posses? Goku and Gohan are next in the room, but with Cell hunting down Android 18 and nearing his completion, can the fighters afford to wait another day?
Episode 140
Super Vegeta
Anxious to find 18, the heartless Cell obliterates a chain of inhabited islands, with each explosion bringing him closer to the android’s hideout! But heading Cell’s way is Vegeta! He’s fresh from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and ready to test his new strength. Is Vegeta really stronger than a Super Saiyan?
Episode 141
Bow to the Prince
It’s show-and-tell for Vegeta as he demonstrates just how much difference a year of hard work can make! Watching from the sidelines, Trunks recalls the intense time he spent training with his father. And up in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, the pressure falls on Gohan as he tries to become a Super Saiyan. That’s no easy task, especially for a kid!
Episode 142
Hour of Temptation
Goku and Gohan continue to push themselves forward, but will they even be needed? In his powered-up state, Vegeta is quickly pounding Cell six feet into the ground! With his back against the wall, the ever-clever android attacks Vegeta’s weakest point—his unbridled arrogance! Can the Saiyan Prince resist Cell’s tempting challenge?
Episode 143
Krillin's Decision
The beautiful 18 in his sights, Krillin clutches the controller that will shut down the android forever. But at the moment of decision, Krillin hesitates! Cell looms just overhead, hungry for perfection. Can Krillin find the courage to do the right thing?
Episode 144
The Last Defense
With the remote control smashed and Vegeta giving Cell the go-ahead, the stage is set is for Cell’s terrifying completion. Now it’s up to Krillin and Trunks to save 18 from Cell’s power-hungry grasp. But Vegeta isn’t going to let Trunks ruin his plan! Will Trunks strike against his own father to save the earth from Cell?
Episode 145
Cell is Complete
Dr. Gero’s dream has been realized, and the earth’s greatest fear has come true. Cell is complete! Can anyone stop the android nightmare in his final, perfect form? As the heroes nervously line up, a glimmer of hope shines from above. Gohan is a Super Saiyan!
Episode 146
Vegeta Must Pay
After allowing Cell to reach his final form, Vegeta is ready for the challenge he was promised. But as Cell becomes a brick wall to the Saiyan’s every blow, it’s clear that Vegeta has more than he bargained for!
Episode 147
Trunks Ascends
Vegeta doubles as a punching bag as Cell demonstrates his amazing power. But the Saiyan Prince never surrenders! Tapping into the deepest wells of his energy, Vegeta leaves Cell with one last hit—the Final Flash! All the while, Trunks struggles to decide whether or not to help his father. Vegeta’s pride is at stake, but so is his life!
Episode 148
Saving Throw
Vegeta lies unconscious after an intense battle with Cell, and Trunks unleashes his hidden powers to save his father’s life. With Goku and Gohan still training and the other fighters clearly out-leagued, Trunks is the only person standing in the evil android’s way. Just how far can the young Saiyan’s power go?
Episode 149
Ghosts from Tomorrow
As apocalyptic visions haunt his mind, Trunks vows to stop his horrible future from repeating itself. But Cell remembers those dark days in a different light, and can’t wait for history to follow its course. It’s all up for grabs as the two warriors prepare for battle. Only one future will survive. Whose will it be?
Episode 150
The Cell Games
Trunks quickly realizes that his Super Saiyan powers are no match for the mighty Cell. Trunks accepts defeat, only to be given a second chance when Cell proposes a tournament! Is Cell really interested in competition, or does he have a more sinister plan in mind?
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