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![]() ![]() Episodes 1-25 | Episodes 26-50 | Episodes 54-92 | Episodes 93-150 | Episodes 151-179 | Episodes 180-216 | Episodes 217-250 | Episodes 251-291
![]() Episodes 1-25
![]() Saiyan Saga
![]() The Arrival of Radditz:
![]() episode 1: Goku learns the truth about his past as a Saiyan from his long-lost brother Radditz. Radditz wants Goku to join with him in destroying Earth's population, but Goku refuses, and so an angry Radditz takes Goku's son, Gohan, as a hostage.
The World's Strongest Team:
![]() episode 2: Goku and Piccolo form a temporary alliance and decide to "take out" Radditz and free Gohan from his clutches. Radditz notices that Gohan is extraordinarily powerful for his age.
Gohan's Hidden Powers:
![]() episode 3: Goku and Piccolo engage Radditz but Radditz proves to be too powerful for them. Gohan, being the Saiyan Goku's son, displays his once untapped powers and blasts through Radditz's spaceship.
Goku's Unusual Journey:
![]() episode 4: Gohan, having burst free from Radditz's ship, charges his uncle and proceeds to beat him until his energy is gone. Radditz recovers and is about to kill Gohan when Goku grabs him and tells Piccolo to blast them both. Both Saiyans are dying (but Goku can be wished back to life), and before his end, Radditz tells that two more Saiyans will be arriving on Earth in a year's time to finish what he started. Goku, now dead, trains on the Serpentine Road and Piccolo takes on the task of training Gohan for the imminent arrival of the two Saiyans.
Gohan's Metamorphosis:
![]() episode 5: Gohan was left alone in a wasteland by Piccolo for survival training. For the first time in his life, Gohan sees a full moon and then transforms into a giant ape. Piccolo is amazed.
Gohan Makes a Friend:
![]() episode 6: Gohan finds an injured dinosaur and tends to its wounds. Unfortunately, a bigger and carnivorous dinosaur attacks and Gohan (though he tries) can't defend. Gohan is knocked out and the sick dinosaur is eaten.
Trouble on Arlia:
![]() episode 7: Gohan's training works! Gohan, in an ironic twist of fate, kills the carnivorous dinosaur he met earlier and devours him. Vegeta and Nappa (the two Saiyans that were supposed to come to Earth) make a change of plan and go to an insect-planet called Arlia. After killing the evil King of the planet and re-uniting the imprisoned Prince with his bride (awww, how kind), Vegeta decides Arlia is worthless and blows it up with a powerful blast (my God!).
Home for Infinite Losers:
![]() episode 8: During Piccolo's self-training exercises, he levitates then accidentally drops a pyramid which causes a gigantic earthquake-type event. Gohan almost gets swallowed by one of the crater's Piccolo's mistake created. Elsewhere, Goku falls asleep on the Serpentine road and falls off. Oh my! That's a LONG fall. Goku falls and falls and falls until he lands in Hell. Using great cunning, he manages to get two of Hell's demons to agree to let him back on the road. Unfortunately for him, the only way back involves Goku having to start from the beginning of the 100 million kilometer road.
Princess Snake's Hospitality:
![]() episode 9: Goku is charging down the Serpentine road once again when he sees a tower that he hadn't seen before. Once inside this tower, he meets Princess Snake (who tries her best to keep him there). Goku manages to escape (it turns out Princess Snake is an evil reptilian Goddess), and then finds that the tower is not really a tower, but the Goddess's body: a giant fire-breathing snake. Using swift maneuvers, Goku gets the snake to tie itself into a knot and he continues on his way.
Escape from Piccolo:
![]() episode 10: Piccolo clones himself so that he can have someone to fight against (all in the name of training). Meanwhile, Gohan finds out that this training ground he was dumped on was really an island. He makes a raft and sets out for home. Along the way he washes up onto the shores of a village and is helped by a local orphanage. He finds his way just in reach of home, but before he arrives, he changes his mind and turns away. Piccolo sees him and returns him to the island. Here we go again.
Showdown in the Past:
![]() episode 11: Goku's friends (called the "Z Warriors") are desperate to begin their training with the mysterious Kami-sama. Unfortunately Kami-sama doesn't appear to be doing a thing to help them. Bored, the friends stumble upon a strange device that causes a battle simulation. The opponents? Two Saiyan warriors. The outcome? The Z Warriors are slaughtered. The irony? The two warriors in the simulation were only HALF as powerful as the Saiyans that are to come in a few months. The outcome? The Z Warriors must prepare harder.
The End of Snake Highway:
![]() episode 12: Gohan attacks Piccolo in a rampaging frenzy? Why? As it turns out, the spaceship that first brought Goku to the planet is controlling him. Piccolo solves this inconvenience by destroying the ship. Meanwhile, Goku has reached the end of the Serpentine Road!!!
A Fight Against Gravity... Catch Bubbles:
![]() episode 13: Goku finally meets his new trainer: Lord Kaio. But there's a catch. Kaio says that the old way he'll train Goku is if Goku can make him laugh. Well, after a few bad jokes, Kaio laughs, and so training begins. Goku's first job is to catch a weird-looking thing called Bubbles in 10 times normal gravity. This is done for weeks on end, until Goku finally captures the thing. Way to go!
The Legend of the Saiyans:
![]() episode 14: Goku learns about the evil-nature of the Saiyan race, and goes into his next training assignment with great ferver. What is this new task? To hit Kaio's assistant on the head with a hammer (but note: Kaio's assistant is WICKED fast).
A Black Day for Earth:
![]() episode 15: Goku is wished back to life to counter an interesting twist of fate: Vegeta and Nappa will be arriving on Earth a MONTH before they were expected. Goku's training did help him greatly though: he can now go through the Serpentine Road in only 1 day's time.
The Battle Begins:
![]() episode 16: Nappa and Vegeta arrive on Earth and the fighting begins. Goku has not yet arrived, so the battle is between them and the Z Warriors.
The Saibamen Strike:
![]() episode 17: What is a saibamen? A saibaman is a weird green creature that was summoned (actually that was grown) by Nappa. The Z Warriors easily take out the saibamen, but not before Yamcha's death (one self-destructed on him).
Nappa... the Invincible?:
![]() episode 18: Nappa, with Vegeta's permission, decides that enough is enough. He alone takes on all 5 of the Z Warriors. After one of the warriors, Chaozu, self-destructs on Nappa without causing him any real damage, we are left to wonder: is Nappa invincible?
Tien Goes All-Out:
![]() episode 19: Tenshinhan mourns the loss of his friend, Chaozu, and uses his remaining energy to throw one final blast at Nappa. The result? He dies, and Nappa is still unscathed. Bored, the two Saiyans decide to give the Z Warriors another 3 hours to live - time so that Goku can show up. By the end of the 3 hours, Nappa (having nothing better to do, destroyed an oncoming wave of attacks from the air and sea by the area's military, Gohan was scolded by a bitter Piccolo for his earlier cowardice (he didn't help much during the battle), and Goku finally finishes his run and is speeding to their aid.
Time's Up:
![]() episode 20: Now that time's up, battle begins again. Piccolo goes for Nappa's tail (a Saiyan's only weak spot), but is thwarted (turns out Nappa's tail is especially strong). Then, they all sense a sudden increase of power - Goku is approaching. Nappa, wanting to get rid of the warriors before Goku arrives, throws a blast of energy at Gohan. Piccolo throws himself in front of the blast and is incinerated.
The Return of Goku:
![]() episode 21: Goku bursts into the scene. He rescues Krillin and his son, Gohan, by taking them off the battlefield. Goku then faces Nappa alone. He begins the assault with a flurry of attacks, Nappa is overwhelmed.
Goku Strikes Back:
![]() episode 22: Upset at the death of his friends, Goku continues to beat on Nappa. Nappa cannot compete with Goku's strength and so he flees toward Gohan and Krillin (against the request of Vegeta). Goku uses his kaio-ken attack to catch up to him, and Nappa cries to Vegeta for help. Vegeta, being the cool guy he is, incinerates Nappa.
Goku vs. Vegeta: A Saiyan Duel:
![]() episode 23: Goku and Vegeta, deciding to make the battle into a 1-on-1 duel of sorts, travel to a rocky wasteland away from the other Z Fighters. Goku to start, uses much of his energy to use his Kaio-Ken technique to increase his power. Unfortunately, this isn't enough to overcome Vegeta, and so Goku uses DOUBLE Kaio-Ken. Still not enough. Goku then goes TRIPLE and then finally QUADRUPAL Kaio-Ken plus a Kame-Ha-Ma-ha. Vegeta gets blown away, but survives. Goku is almost drained of his life. Furious, the royal Saiyan (Vegeta) conjures up a fake moon that so transforms him into a weremonkey. Wicked.
Vegeta... Saiyan Style:
![]() episode 24: Seeing the articial moon and thus worried about his father's safety, Gohan starts to go to the battle field. Unable to dissuade him, Krillin goes too. Unfortunately, Goku is getting pounded by Vegeta - so much so that his (Goku's) only real defense is blinding the monstrous weremonkey. In a fit of rage, Vegeta grabs Goku and begins squeezing him.
Stop Vegeta Now!
![]() episode 25: Gohan and Krillin arrive on the scene to find the hiding Yajirobe. Krillin charges up and fires a destructo disk at Vegeta (which he happens to avoid). Distracted, Yajirobe suddenly has an epiphany - he gets some courage. Charging, he cuts off the distracted tail of Vegeta - thus causing him to turn back to his original form. Vegeta continues to pummel the fallen Goku, and Gohan steps in for his father's sake. Vegeta and Gohan exchange blows, and Gohan almost holds his own. Meanwhile, Goku used the remaining energy from his Genki Dama and created an evil-seeking ball of power. Krillin takes the ball, and launches it. Eventually it hits Vegeta, and knocks him down; down but not out. The three, Gohan, Kururin, and Goku congratulate one-another until Vegeta pops up again. Vegeta uses what little of his power is left and launches shockwave that knocks the Z Fighters down for a bit. It is then that the half-dead Vegeta glances at Gohan and realizes that the youth's tail has grown back. Uh-oh.
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