Dragonball is the story of Goku, a young boy searching for seven mystical "Dragonballs," which when collected, can summon the dragon Shenlong, who can grant wishes. With his monkey tail and his yellow cloud-transport, Goku fits right into the fantastical land of transforming monsters and talking animals, where magic and technology go hand in hand. He starts on his journey when he meets Bulma Briefs, a boy-crazy teenageer with a knack for inventing. Together, they begin their adventures, and along the way befriend fellow Dragonball-seekers, battle bad guys intent on ruling the world, and gradually grow up. Goku and his friends continually train to make themselves better warriors, but comic characters like Muten Roshi, Oolong, and Pooaru are hardly encouraging. Villains Goku must overcome include Pilaf, the Red Ribbon Army, and Piccolo-Daimao. Dragonball combines wacky fun with stirring fight scenes that gradually reveal Goku's awesome potential.
In Dragonball Z, Goku has grown up and now has a son, Gohan. However, hordes of new evil appear on the horizon, threatening his new family. Enemies come one after another, each seeming to grow in strength, straining Goku's powers to the limits. The first are the Saiyans, a blood-thirsty race who specializes in genocide and mass destruction, come to Earth and only Goku and his friends stand in their way. A Saiyan named Radditsu claims to be Goku's brother and tries to blackmail him into killing innocent Earhlings by kidnapping Gohan. True to his good nature, Goku sides with his adopted planet and takes shocking actions to ensure the safety of both his son and the people of Earth. A year later, the Saiyans continue to plague Earth when Prince Vejita and his sidekick Nappa arrive, intent on retrieving the Dragonballs to wish for immortality. Although they are eventually defeated, they cause many casualties as well, taking the lives of many of Goku's friends.
After recuperating from the fight with Vejita, the Dragonball Z warriors head off to the planet Namek to gather the Namek Dragonballs, planning to wish their fallen friends back to life. There they encounter Freeza, a mercenary alien who destroys all life on planets and sells the vacated space to the highest bidder. He is also collecting the Namek Dragonballs, viciously razing down entire villages to obtain them. Before getting to Freeza, the DBZ gang must face off with the Ginyu Force, a ridiculous yet powerful group of Freeza's henchmen. However, after barely getting by them, Goku and his comrades must battle Freeza, their most dangerous foe yet. They are in the most desperate fight of their life, and and even their former enemies must participate against Freeza, with his ability to transform into three levels of powers. It is on the decimated planet of Namek that Goku's destiny as the legendary "Super Saiyan" is revealed, as he makes the ultimate sacrifice to protect his friends and the universe from Freeza's destructive plans. However, it is not until the appearance of a mysterious and incredibly powerful teenager that Freeza is finally stopped. The young man, Trunks, has come from a future ravaged by unstoppable androids. He gives Goku medicine for a heart disease he unknowingly contracted and warns the DBZ soldiers to prepare for the danger that is to come in three years' time.
The Dragonball Z warriors heed Trunks' warning and train nonstop in preparation for the coming danger. When the long-awaited Androids #19 and #20 arrive, Goku and his friends are ready for anything, including the androids' the ability to absorb their opponents' power and use it against them. The DBZ fighters find out that Dr. Gero, whose former organization was defeated by Goku in the original series, is the mastermind behind the androids. However, they are too late to prevent him from releasing the fearsome Androids #17 and #18, the ones that Trunks had predicted would devastate Earth. The pair of twins androids are indeed extremely powerful, and after easily defeating the DBZ fighters, say that they consider their fight simply a game and are willing to fight again, once the DBZ warriors get stronger...
One evil follows right after in the form of Cell, a completelyorganic android made of cells collected from Goku, Vejita, Piccolo, and Freeza. With his tail, he can absorb the power of his enemies, and by absorbing Androids #17 and #18, he transforms into his "perfect" form, becoming incredibly strong. Like Goku, he enjoys a good fight, and puts on a "Cell Game," a martial arts tournament in which the outcome will determine Earth's fate. The Z soldiers swiftly fall to him, and unexpectedly, it is Gohan's turn to prove himself, and he shows that his power exceeds even his father's levels!
Tragically though, he is too late to save Goku, who sacrifices himself yet again to protect the world.
Seven years pass before another evil awakes. Gohan, Goten, and Trunks - Vejita and Bulma's son - go to school and continue their training. However, it isn't long before they learn of Babidi and Dabura, creatures who plot to revive a being called Buu and destroy all life just for fun. Before they can though, they need a large amount of energy, which they take from people, who then turn into their zombies. Vejita, still obssessed with being the strongest fighter, willingly becomes Babidi's zombie; in exchange for his considerable energy, Vejita now has the power to defeat even Goku and Babidi is finally able to revive Buu. As Buu goes on a destructive rampage, Vejita realizes too late his mistake and tries to atone by a suicidal act. However, even this sacrifice does not stop Buu, and in his anger, Goku reaches Super Saiyan 3 level! Meanwhile, Buu purifies himself and splits into two entities - one completely evil, and one completely good. Unfortunately, the evil Buu devours the good one and becomes even more powerful than before. Drastic measures are called for in this ultimate fight, and the DBZ warriors learn of a legendary "fusion" technique that may be their only salvation. Goten and Trunks fuse to become the arrogant Gotenks, while Goku and Vejita fuse to become the invincible Vejito! However, only with the cooperation of everyone on Earth can the DBZ team defeat Buu once and for all.
Dragonball GT, the final series, begins 10 years after the end of the Buu saga. Gohan is married and has a daughter, Pan. Vejita has settled down and also has daughter, Bra. Goku is accidentally wished to become a child again, and the adventure begins again! He learns of the Black Star Dragonballs, which are scattered throughout space, and resolves to find these dragonballs to become an adult again. However, he only has one year to gather the Dragonballs or the Earth will explode! Goku, Trunks, and Pan blast off into space to search for the balls, crash-landing on various planets along the way and picking up new friends and battling new enemies. They run into Baby, the only surviving member of Planet Plant, which was totally annihilated by the Saiyans long ago. He seeks revenge on all Saiyans, innocent or guilty, and possesses the ability to take over his victims' bodies and acquire their power. While Goku and his friends return to Earth with all seven Black Star Dragonballs, Baby also lands on Earth and takes over the bodies of Trunks, Gohan, and Goten. After leaving his victims' bodies, he also leaves behind in their brains an egg which turns his victims into zombies. When he finally finds a suitable body - Vejita's - Vejita-Baby is formed and in a short time, nearly all life on Earth is under Baby's control. He uses the Black Star Dragonballs to create another Planet Plant. Vejita-Baby seems indestructible - not even the reformed Buu or Goku can stop him! Goku transforms into his uncontrollable giant-ape form to try to beat Vejita-Baby, and actually reaches an unheard-of Super Goku 4 power level! Meanwhile, a cure for Baby's control is found and people on Earth are released from his power. However, the Earth is on the verge of exploding; the DBZ team transports everyone to Namek. There they use the Namek Dragonballs to wish for Earth's restoration.

In the final adventure, the dragonballs are gathered once again and the dragon Shenlong is summoned. However, the DBZ warriors are in for a shock - Shenlong has become evil due to negative energy that was stored inside the balls when evil wishes were made. The evil Shenlong transforms into seven dragons, each representing a different dragonball, and disperse. Each dragon has its own element, and the DBZ fighters separate to find the dragons and revert them to their true forms: the dragonballs. But things are never that simple; Ii Shenlong, the dragon of the one-star dragonball, absorbs all of the reverted dragonballs and surpasses Super Goku 4! Goku counters by fusing with Super Vejita 4 to become Super Gojita 4, but the union is too unstable to be useful for long periods of time. In a desperate attempt, Goku collects energy from all over the universe to create a fireball great enough to destroy the evil dragon. He succeeds for a last time, and in the end, disappears with the good Shenlong into the sky.
Over ten years of Dragonball came to an end in November 1997, but it's popularity has not faded at all. Audiences worldwide have spent over a decade with Goku and his friends, thrilling at his incredible adventures and laughing at his mishaps. An exciting mixture of dynamic characters, blistering battle scenes, and complex storylines has transformed Akira Toriyama's hit into a virtual icon of Japanese animation, recognizable throughout its staggering international fan base.
