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![]() Universe
![]() The Universe
This is where most of the important things happen in DB/Z/GT. It is also where people are before they eventually die and go to the afterworld. There are four galaxies in the Universe, each ruled by a different Dai Kaio. The North galaxy is described below.
North Galaxy
Arlia is a planet that is inhabited by insect people and is ruled by a very mean King that enslaved most of the people. Vegeta and Nappa come to this planet and kill the ruler. In doing this, they become heros to the Arlians, but blow it up from space anyway.
Do I really need to explain Earth? I will anyway though. This planet is inhabited by people called Humans, who are weak compared to most of the other races in the Dragonball series. It has more water than a lot of the other planets. Earth has a set of small and less powerful Dragonballs. This is where the Z warriors live and the planet that gets threatened the most.
Planet Freeza
This is where Freeza's headquarters is. This is the home of the last survivors of the many warrior races that Freeza has conquered. Vegeta learns of Freeza's plan to gather the Namek Dragonballs here.
Namek is mainly an ocean planet with a bunch of islands. In the past, Namek was a forest planet, but a change in the climate cleared out the forests, and left few trees. Namek has its own set of Dragon Balls, which Freeza was trying to find. Freeza blew up this planet when he realized that he would not be able to defeat Gokuu.
New Namek
After Freeza destroyed the old Namek, all the Nameks were transported to a new planet. This planet is first shown during the Cell saga when Gokuu teleports there to find a new Kami-Sama for Earth. New Namek is pretty similar to the old Namek we see.
Bardock clears this fish-like race inhabited planet of all life. Before he completes his mission though, he is cursed by one of them.
Planet Vegeta (Planet Plant)
Planet Vegeta was once inhabited by two races, the Tsufurujin and the Saiyajins. The two races were constantly at war. The Tsufurujin were a race with more advanced technology, but where the Saiyajins made up for that with strength. The Saiyajins all go. Freeza later hired them as his task force, but destroyed Old Vegeta when he felt the Saiyajins were becoming a threat to his power. Gokuu, Vegeta, Nappa, Brolli, Paragas, Taurus and Raditsu were the only Saiyajins not on Old Vegeta when it was blown to bits.
The Afterworld
Everyone who dies goes to the afterworld. When you die, you either are sent to Heaven or Hell. Hell is where people who do bad things in their life are sent for punishment. Heaven is where all the good people go and have a good afterlife. The afterworld also has other locations in it. These places are:
Enma Daio's place
Everyone who dies is judged by Enma-Sama and is sent either to Heaven or Hell, depending on his decision. The people judged by him are usually spirits, but in some instances, they are allowed to keep their body. That only happens when a person does some very special during their life.
Snake Way
The Snake Way is a 1,000,000 kilometer long road that is designed to look like a snake. At the end of the road is King Kai's planet. Snake Way is surrounded by clouds and has Hell beneath it Meaning that if you fall off of Snake Way you go to Hell, as Gokuu did. Snake Way is the only route to Kaio-Sama's planet, unless you have the ability to teleport there.
Kaio-Sama's planet
This is a strangely small planet with very high gravity. Kaio-Sama and his pet Bubbles live here and occasionally train warriors. The planet is so small that anyone should be able to run around it. There is a road going all the way around it for Kaio-Sama to practice his hobby of driving. This planet was blown up when Gokuu teleported Cell there before he self-destructed.
East Kaio-Sei
This planet is the home of East Kaioshin, a Kaioshin that looks like Kaio-Sama but is a woman. Because this planet is never actually seen, I cannot give you any further information on it.
South Kaiosei
This planet is the home of South Kaioshin. He wears shades and has earrings in his ears. Like the East Kaiosei, this planet is not shown.
West Kaio-sei
West Kaioshin owns West Kaiosei. This Kaio is seen only in the anime and is the rival of King Kai.
Dai Kaiosei
This is where the head of all the Kaioshins, Dai Kaioshin lives. Dai Kaioshin is a really old dude with a long beard.
The world of the Kaioshins is the holy planet that only the Kaioshins are supposed to go to. This is where the Z sword is kept. Kaioshin-kai is made of one planet, Kaioshin-sei, and many small suns.
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