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The Truth about Dragonball AF
 (Fan art pic of Lv. 5 Gohan)                                                         
Dragonball AF, my fellow Dragonball faithful, is nothing but a myth. Rumors have been flying around about the aparent 4th series of dragonball, but to tell you the truth, that's all Dragonball AF really is, A RUMOR . You are probably wondering, "If there is no Dragonball AF, then what are all of those pictures i see floating around on the net?" Well, my uneducated little friend, they are merely fan art. I can easily create a picture of it myself. In my and millions of other Dragonball Fans' opinions and knowledge, there is no Dragonball AF nor will there ever be. Those of you that have a Dragonball AF section on your website are nothing but foolish children who wish the Dragonball series would continue. Although I am one of the Most faithful of the DB fans, I have realized that all things, including thegood, must come to an end. I encourage you to spread these words of good wisdom, and not let rumors take hold of your mind. To see a special fanart gallery of Dragonball AF Images, just click on the pic of Level 5 Gohan above.