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![]() Dragonball Fights
![]() 1. Goku vs. The giant fish - This was Gokuh's first fight. While fishing with his tail a Giant fish bit it. Gokuh kicked the fish and killed it.
2. Goku vs. The Pterodactyl - A Giant Talking Dinosaur kidnapped Bulma and was flying away. Gokuh hopped on Bulma's motorcycle and flew over a hill. Gokuh jumped for the dino, but could not reach. He then hit and killed the dinosaur with his Nyobi.
3. Goku vs. Bear Thief - On the way to bringing Master Roshi's Turtle to him Gokuh, Bulma, and The turtle run into a gigantic bear dressed like a warrior. The Bear threatens to eat the Turtle so Gokuh and the Bear fight. Gokuh uses Janken which is a paper, scissors, rock move and defeats the bear with rock (A punch).
4. Goku vs. Oolong - Not really much of a battle. Oolong just tried to scare away Gokuh, but had to keep running away because he could only transform for a limited time. Oolong ended up trailing along with Bulma and Gokuh
5. Goku vs. Yamcha - Gokuh met up with Bulma in the desert. They fought for awhile and it was pretty even. Yamucha ran away when Bulma walked over to were they were fighting.
6. Goku vs. Yamcha - Yamucha and Puar are chasing Goku, Bulma, and Oolong in the desert. Yamucha demands the Dragonballs and when Gokuh refuses, the two begin to taunt each other. Finally when the fight begins, Yamucha loses a tooth and then runs away.
7. Chi Chi vs. T-Rex - Chi Chi is out away from here home when a giant T-Rex begins to chase here. She takes a giant blade on here helmet and flings it at the Dinosaur. It cuts off its head and of course kills it.
8. Yamucha vs. Chi Chi - Chi Chi after killing a dinosaur attacks Yamucha with here blade. The blade misses Yamucha, not even caring that it is a little girl, Yamucha defeats Chi Chi without any effort.
9. Gokuh vs. One of boss Rabbit's henchmen -Gokuh runs into one of Boss Rabbits gun toting thugs and easily disposes of him.
10. Gokuh vs. Boss Rabbit- Gokuh can not touch Boss Rabbit or he will be turned into a carrot. So he decides to beat on Boss Rabbit with his Nyobi. When Boss Rabbit is defeated he tells Gokuh the secret word to turn Bulma back into a human
11. Yamcha, Bulma, Puar, and Oolong vs. Ooroza Gokuh- Gokuh sees the full moon and transforms. This breaks the others out of Lord Pilaf's castle, but then they have to turn Goku back into his normal form. Puar turns into a giant pair of scissors and cuts of Gokuh's tail
12. Gokuh vs. Seikan- On Gokuh and Kuririn's quest to find a woman for Master Roshi, Gokuh saves Lunch from Seikan.
13. Kuririn vs. Sabertooth- Just a sabertooth that Kuririn defeats with ease. He ran into the Sabertooth during his training under Master Roshi
14. Gokuh vs. Kuririn- During their training the two must find a specific rock for Master Roshi. Gokuh finds it first, but Kuririn steals it and runs away. Kuririn finally turns to face off against Gokuh. Gokuh does end up winning the fight, but Kuririn tricks Gokuh into believing that he got rid of the rock.
15. Gokuh vs. Lunch- Gokuh wakes up Lunch by mistake and because of a short temper, Lunch starts shooting at Gokuh. Gokuh kicks her though to stop her.
16. Gokuh vs. Oootoko- Gokuh's first match in the Tenkaichi Budoukai. Gokuh easily pushes Oootoko out of the ring, but no one can believe that a mere boy pushed a monster like Oootoko out of the ring.
17. Kuririn vs Oorinji's Senbai- Kuririn faces off against one of the monk's from the temple he came from. Oorinji's Senbai used to pick on Kuririn. Despite Kuririn's fear, he defeats his opponent in one kick.
18. Gokuh vs.Bokusa - This is Gokuh's next match in the Tenkaichi Budoukai, not much to say, Gokuh easily advances.
19. Kuririn vs. Ken Pou Ka- Ken Pou Ka is designed after Bruce Lee. He looks and talks like him. Not that bad of a match, but Ken Pou Ka is not much of a match for Kuririn.
20. Gokuh vs. Bokusa - Not really much of a fight. Gokuh picks up Bokusa and throws him out of the ring
to advance to the next round.
21. Kuririn vs. Bear Man- This is Kuririn's last match before the championship rounds. Bear Man punches at Kuririn, Kuririn dodges the punch, and counters with a kick that causes Bear Man to give up.
22. Kuririn vs. Bacterium - Kuririn is put to the test against this dirtball. Bacterium had never taken a shower and it shows.or should I say smells. Any way at one point Bacterium puts his hands in his shorts and rubs between his legs and then lets Kuririn take a whiff. Bacterium sits and jumps on Kuririn, but after Kuririn is reminded by Gokuh that he does not have nose. Kuririn then beats Bacterium
23. Yamucha vs. Jackie Chun (Master Roshi)- Even though Yamucha does most of the attacking it is an easy victory for Jackie Chun. Yamucha kicked and punched at Jackie Chun, but Jackie Chun dodges all of the attacks. Finally Yamucha uses his Wolf Fang Technique which when used Jackie Chun just jumps over Yamucha. And uses a blast made of wind that knocks Yamucha out of the ring and therefore Jackie Chun wins.
24. Lanfan vs. Namu- Lanfan was no match for Namu, but Namu had trouble hitting a girl. When Lanfan removed her shirt Namu went into shock, but finally Namu remembered that he was there to get water for his town and with that closed his eyes and in one blow knocked out Lanfan
25. Gokuh vs. Giran- A fight that Gokuh almost lost. Giran spit two purple ring's on Gokuh which Gokuh could not break free of. When Giran threw Gokuh out of the ring Gokuh called for Kintoun which brought him back to the ring. After it was agreed that from now on the Kintoun was not allowed Gokuh broke free of the rings and then kicked a hole in a wall. When Giran saw Gokuh's strength he gave up.
26. Kuririn vs. Jackie Chun- Kuririn is losing pretty badly to Jackie Chun in the match. Jackie Chun though is actually Master Roshi. Kuririn eventually pulls out a pair of woman's underwear to distract the old man. Kuririn then knocks him out of the ring, Jackie Chun uses a Kame Hama Ha to propel himself back into the ring. After a little more, Kuririn charges at Jackie Chun and is knocked out of the ring.
27. Gokuh vs. Namu- Namu in this fight is outmatched, but does not easily fall for Gokuh's fake image technique and his whirlwind attack. In the end though Namu loses just because Gokuh outmatches him in speed and power.
28. Gokuh vs. Jackie Chun- At the beginning of this fight each of the two opponents are trying to out do each other. Gokuh wins the Kame Hame Ha match by a slight margin. Jackie Chun does a double fake image technique and Gokuh then does a triple fake image technique. Jackie Chun then uses his Drunken Style Attack where he wanders around the ring acting drunk. Gokuh knows what Chun is up to, though, and uses his mad dog attack where he just attacks wildly. The fight goes into the night and Gokuh sees the full moon, Gokuh then turns into his Monkey Form. Jackie Chun is forced to blow up the moon. After this fighting resumes and the two engage in hand to hand combat. The two go to kick each other, but because of his longer legs, he connects more solidly with Gokuh and Gokuh is knocked out. Jackie Chun with the Tenkaichi Budoukai
29. Gokuh vs. Red Ribbon Army Combatant Pair- Under Captain Silver's command these two men are looking for the Dragonball's at the same time as Gokuh. Gokuh gets a Dragonball and the two men start to shoot at him
30. Gokuh vs Captain Silver- The two men radio Silver to tell him about Gokuh. Silver runs out and shoots Gokuh's cloud, destroying it. Silver then steals the Dragonball and Dragon Radar from Gokuh. Gokuh steals it back and then easily defeats Silver.
31. Gokuh vs. Red Ribbon Army's Combatant Pair- Gokuh defeats two men who are looking for the Dragonballs, this is when Gokuh finds out that Jingle Villages Head Master has been captured by Red Ribbon.
32. Gokuh vs. Red Ribbon Army Countless Warriors- On the second floor of Muscle Tower Gokuh defeats all of the Red Ribbon men.
33. Gokuh vs. Red Ribbon Army's 4th person- Gokuh also defeats all of the Red Ribbon Army men who are on the fourth floor. Once again, very easily.
34. Gokuh vs. Sargeant Metallic- Gokuh uses a Kame Hame Ha to blow off the robot's head. Before Metallic can attack again his batteries run down.
35. Gokuh vs. Murasaki- This is a match that covers a lot of ground and is even. In the end Murasaki makes five copies of himself, but Gokuh is still able to defeat Murasaki and the copies. Murasaki then runs to release Android #8.
36. Gokuh vs. Buyon - Gokuh and Buyon don't seem to affecting each other very much. So, Gokuh punches a hole in the wall and jumps into Hatchan's coat. Gokuh then punches a whole in Buyon, destroying the monster.
37. Gokuh vs. General White- Not much of a fight, White is defeated by Hatchan and Gokuh, even after he takes a hostage.
38. Gokuh vs. Machi Budouka- A man on the street offers anyone 100,000 zeni (the money used in the DB world) if they can defeat him. Gokuh accepts and when the guy sees him put a whole in a wall, they man surrenders and pays Gokuh.
39. Gokuh vs. Machi Gumi- A robber that Gokuh encounters on the street. Gokuh takes care of the robber with ease.
40. Gokuh vs. Red Ribbon - Gokuh beats up a few guys who are shooting at Bulma.
41. Muten Roshi and Ranchi vs. Red Ribbons B Team - A group of Red Ribbon Army soldiers go to Kame House in an attempt to get the Dragonballs. Master Roshi beats up all of the soldiers except for one, who is taken care of by Ranchi's alter ego Kushami.
42. Gokuh vs. Robot Pirate - Gokuh doesn't have much of a problem with the Robot. After a short fight, Gokuh wins the battle with a Janken Punch.
43. Gokuh vs. Oodako - Gokuh uses a Kame Hame Ha to destroy the large Octopus who wanted to eat him.
44. Blue Shogun vs. Kuririn - Kuririn has the power to defeat Blue, but Blue uses a hypnosis technique to paraliyze Kuririn and then beat him to near death.
45. Blue Shogun vs. Gokuh - Gokuh shows up and saves Kuririn. Blue once again uses the paralyze technique on Gokuh, but it is broken when Blue is frightened by a mouse. Gokuh then uses Janken to knock Blue up against a wall. Gokuh, Kuririn, and Bulma then escape from the cave they are in.
46. Blue Shogun vs. Arale -Blue Shogun has the Dragonballs and the Dragon Radar when Arale is told to attack Blue. She very quickly beats up Blue and the Dragonballs are recovered.
47. Bora vs. Red Ribbon Army's 7th man - Colonel Yellow and his men are trying to get a Dragonball from Bora, but he will do anything to protect his land. They fire at Bora, but the bullets do nothing. Bora then proceeds to destroy the army there, but Yellow is able to escape.
48. Gokuh vs. Colonel Yellow - Gokuh very easily smashes Yellow's plane, killing him in the process.
49. Blue Shogun vs. Tao Pai Pai - Commander Red has trouble believing that it is really the great Tao Pai Pai, so to prove it he tells Blue to attack Tao Pai Pai and way he wants, but that Tao Pai Pai can only use his tongue. Blue attacks and Tao Pai Pai uses his tongue to poke a whole in Blue's temple, killing him.
50. Bora vs. Tao Pai Pai- Bora attacks Tao Pai Pai and Tap Pai Pai easily kills Bora with a spear through the chest.
51. Tao Pai Pai vs. Gokuh- Gokuh uses Kame Hame Ha on Tao Pai Pai, but it doesn't hurt him. Tao Pai Pai then uses Dodon and it looks as though Gokuh has been killed.
52. Tao Pai Pai vs. Gokuh- After training at Karin Tower for three days Gokuh has become much more powerful and faster than Tao Pai Pai. Gokuh easily handles Tao Pai Pai and when Tao Pai Pai throws a bomb at Gokuh, Gokuh kicks it back killing the man.
53. Gokuh vs. Red Ribbon Army's Countless Warriors- In an attempt to find the remaining Dragonball's Gokuh attacks Red Ribbon Headquarters. Gokuh either defeats everyone on the island or they run away.
54. Gokuh vs. Advisor Black- Black has just shot Commander Red, so now Black is the leader of Red Ribbon. Black uses a Battle Jacket(Self maned robot) to fight Gokuh and does some damage at the begginning, but he celebrates to often and acts stupid. Gokuh goes through the Battle Jacket causing Black to explode with the robot.
55. Kuririn vs. Dracula Man- Kuririn is knocked out of the ring and looses.
56. Upa and Puar vs. Dracula Man- Upa and Puar try next. Upa eats garlic and Puar shape shifts, with this they are able to defeat Dracula Man.
57. Yamucha vs. Invisible man- Yamucha has to fight an invisable man and isn't fareing to well. Kuririn has a plan, though. Kuririn pulls down Bulma's tank top causing Master Roshi to have a major nose bleed. The blood coats the invisible man and after some fighting the guy gives up to Yamucha.
58. Yamucha vs. Little Mummy- Yamucha is not able to do any damage against the mummies speed or power. Yamucha eventually gives up to avoid being killed.
59. Gokuh vs. Little Mummy- Gokuh allows the Mummy to get in a few blows and then defeats the Mummy with one punch.
60. Gokuh vs. Akkuman- Even though Akkuman is able to fly, Gokuh is still too fast for him. Akkuman uses his special attack which causes the least bit of evil in someone heart to expand and cause the person to explode. Gokuh has a pure heart though and is not affected. Gokuh then gets serious and defeats the Devil Man.
61. Gokuh vs. Unknown Ghost(Grandpa Gohan)- Gokuh is not having trouble with the Ghost until it grabs his tail. After finding Gokuh's one weakness the Ghost beats up Gokuh pretty well. As the Ghost goes to kill Gokuh, Gokuh's tail falls off and Gokuh gets really mad now. The Ghost then decides to give up and then he reveals that he is actually Gokuh's dead grandfather, Gohan.
62. Gokuh vs.Mei- Gokuh easily takes care of Pilaf, Shuu, and Mei and their Mecha suits to gain the last Dragonball.
63. Yamucha vs. Mohichan- Yamucha wins his match in the Tenkaichi Budoukai with a knock out.
64. Kuririn vs. Oootoko- A large fighter who Kuririn easily defeates.
65. Tenshinhan vs. Sumou Tori- No one realizes how strong Tensinhan is, but he easily wins his match surprising everyone.
66. Gokuh vs. King Chapa- Chapa is a very strong opponent and everyone fears that Gokuh will lose. Gokuh has not changed much since three years ago when everyone saw him last. Gokuh easily wins, though.
67. Jackie Chun vs. Bear Man- Jackie Chun easily wins this match and then apologizes to Bear Man for being to hard on him.
68. Tenshinhan vs. Yamucha- This starts off as a very even match. At one point Yamucha uses the Kame Hame Ha, but Tenshinhan deflects it back at him. Yamucha jumps up to avoid the attack and Tenshinhan appears and knocks him out. Tenshinhan is declared the winner.
69. Jackie Chun vs. Man-wolf- Man-wolf is mad at Jackie Chun for destroying the moon. Man-wolf says that he will kill Jackie. In the middle of the match Man wolf pulls out a knife, but this is not allowed. The fight continues though. Jackie Chun convinces Man-wolf to act like a dog and when Jackie throws a bone the guy chases it and is disqualified.
70. Kuririn vs. Choutzo- Kuririn proves to be faster than Choutzo expected and knocks him out of the ring, but Choutzo can float so he is fine. Choutzo then powers up to use Dodon and Kuririn powers up to use a Kame Hame Ha. Kuririn fires him blast and then jumps out of the way of the Dodon. Choutzo however paralyzes Kuririn's heart and is going to kill him. In an effort to break the concentration, Kuririn asks Choutzo a math problem, and this works. Kuririn, must do this twice though before he is able to knock out Choutzo.
71. Gokuh vs. Panputto- Gokuh defeats this many time world champion with no effort at all.
72. Tenshinhan vs. Jackie Chun- In this match Jackie Chun steps out of the ring so he would lose on purpose. He wanted Tenshinhan to face Gokuh that was the reason for him to lose.
73. Gokuh vs. Kuririn- These two friends each promise to try their hardest and many times throughout the fight comment on how much fun they are having. We also learn that Gokuh's tail is no longer his weakness. Gokuh finally gets serious and when he appears in front of Kuririn, the boy is so surprised that he is knocked out of the ring.
74. Gokuh vs. Tenshinhan- This is the championship match in the Tenkaichi Budoukai. This is a very equal match, but in the end Tenshinhan tries to kill Gokuh. Tenshinhan uses a kikoho, but both the fighters are ok, the only problem is the ring is gone. So the first person to hit the ground will lose. Gokuh hits first, so Tenshinhan wins the title.
75. Kamesennin vs. Tsurusennin-Kamesennin and Tsurusennin were both trained by Mutaito-sama, but Kamesennin is good and Tsurusennin is evil. We also learn that when they were younger, Mutaito had died trying to seal Piccolo in the Denshi Jar.
76. Tanbarin vs. Gokuh- Gokuh finds Tanbarin, but is still weak from fighting in the tournament. Tanbarin is the one who killed Kuririn. Tanbarin destroys Kintoun. Tanbarin smashes Gokuh down to the Earth and thinks that Gokuh is dead, he then leaves with his Dragonball.
77. Gokuh vs. Yajorobie- Gokuh eats Yajorobie's fish and Yajorobie is not happy at this. He throws a boulder at Gokuh and Gokuh thinks he is the monster that killed Kuririn because he has a DB on him. Gokuh then realizes that this is a different Dragonball and apologizes.
78. Yajorobie vs. Cymbol- Cymbol shows up while Gokuh and Yajorobie are talking. Cymbol wants to kill Yajorobie for his Dragonball and Yajorobie wants to eat Cymbol for breakfast. After a lot of talking and little fighting, Yajorobie uses his sword to slice Cymbol in half and kill him.
79. Tanbarin vs. Giran- Piccolo Daimo has ordered that all of the Tenkaichi Budoukai participants from the last ten years be killed. This is why Tanbarin kills Giran.
80. Tanbarin vs. Gokuh-Gokuh defeats Tanbarin rather easily. He uses his one pattern to confuss and get in a shot on the monster. When Tanbarin tries and escape, Gokuh uses a Kame Hame Ha to kill him.
81. Gokuh vs. Piccolo Daimo-Piccolo Daimo shows up in his ship to see who has killed his children. When Yajorobie hears the name Piccolo he remembers who Piccolo is and gives Gokuh his Dragonball and then runs off. Piccolo Daimo only has half of his original power because of his age, but he still defeats Gokuh. Piccolo is surprised though at Gokuh's great power. Piccolo Daimo goes away thinking that he has killed Gokuh. Out from behind a tree comes Yajorobie only to find out that Gokuh is still alive.
82. Kamesennin vs. Piccolo Daimo- Kamesennin tells Piccolo that he must fight him to gain the Dragonballs. Kamesenning attempts to use the Mafuuba attack to seal Piccolo in the Denshi Jar, but Kamesennin's aim is off and the attack drains all of his life energy, killing him.
83. Piccolo Daimo vs. Guard- When Piccolo declares himself ruler of the world one of the emporer's guards objects and is killed.
84. Tenshinhan vs. Drum- Piccolo spits out a new child to fight Tenshinhan. The fight is even at first, but Drum blind sides Tenshinhan and is ordered to rip out his heart. As Drum is about to kill Tenshinhan, Gokuh shows up and saves the day.
85. Gokuh vs. Drum- Gokuh easily defeats Drum and Piccolo can not believe that this is the same Gokuh that he fought.
86. Gokuh vs. Piccolo Daimo- Piccolo and Gokuh fight and at the beginning Gokuh is beating around Piccolo. Piccolo is amazed at the boys power and Tenshinhan can not even follow the two. Gokuh then tells Piccolo to fight at full power and Gokuh agrees to also. The fight goes on and it is evident that Piccolo is winning, Piccolo even uses Tenshinhan as a hostage to assure that Gokuh will not attack him. Finally though, Gokuh uses a different form of the Kame Hame Ha and defeats Piccolo with one punch, the power of the Choushin water from Karin Tower is evident in the attack.
87. Gokuh vs. Mr. PoPo- In order to meat Kami, Gokuh must fight Popo. Gokuh does not pass the test, though, because he does not move like the lightening. Gokuh is permitted to see Kami anyway, however.
88. Gokuh vs. King Chapa- Gokuh's first match in the Tenkaichi Budoukai. When the fight begins Gokuh travels behind Chapa without anyone seeing him and when Chapa turns around, Gokuh knocks him out.
89. Tao Pai Pai vs. Choutzo- Choutzo fights Tao Pai Pai in the Tenkaichi Budoukai and is killed. He is the only Z warrior not to win his first round.
90. Shien (Kami's Human form) vs. Yajorobie- Shien rushes at Yajorobie and knocks him out.
91. Tao Pai Pai vs. Tenshinhan- Near the beginning of the fight Tao Pai Pai pulls out a blade and is disqualified, but he continues to fight. Tao Pai Pai is no match for Tenshinhan though and he easily knocks him out.
92. Gokuh vs. Chi Chi- Gokuh does not remember who Chi Chi and the only way that she will tell him is if he defeats her. So Gokuh uses the power of the wind to knock the girl out of the ring.
93. Kuririn vs. Ma Junior (Piccolo)- Kuririn is defeated by Piccolo in this fight, but shows that he has learned a new move. Kuririn is now able to levitate.
94. Shien (Kami's Human form) vs. Yamucha- Shien defeats Yamucha very easily. Throughout the whole match Shien gives Yamucha tips on his fighting. Gokuh realize who Shien really is and Yajorobie makes a comment that he knows, also.
95. Gokuh vs. Tenshinhan- The match begins and it is even, but Gokuh asks Tenshinhan for a break to take off some clothes. Gokuh takes off his shirt and shoes and between those there is over 200 pounds of clothes and Gokuh now doesn't have as much of a problem with Tenshinhan. Tenshinhan splits into four different people, but Gokuh still is able to defeat all four.
96. Shien (Kami's human form) vs. Ma Junior (Piccolo)- Shien attemtps to perform Mafuuba on Piccoli, but Shien is in a host body that is weak and when Ma Junior returns with a Mafuuba Kame is taken from his human body. Before Kami goes unconscious he warns Gokuh that fighting Piccolo is not the same as fighting Piccolo Daimo.
97. Gokuh vs. Ma Junior (Piccolo)- This was the championship fight in the Tenkaichi Budoukai, but the world was what is up for stake. The fight is back and forth the whole time. Gokuh uses his Chou Kamehameha, but that does not work. After a long fight Piccolo goes to use his strongest move, but Gokuh has learned how to fly and he flies at Piccolo knocking him out of the ring and winning the Budoukai. Piccolo flies off and the group celebrates.
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